没有摆脱事实沃尔沃XC60北极星不是一个便宜的汽车。然而,决定花钱很难想象澳大利亚市场上的其他车辆,提供相同的水平和平衡性能、舒适和经济在现实世界中。这是一个相对较早复习但在几千公里的混合城市和公路驾驶我们平均每100公里,但在5 l有超过5秒100公里性能可用每当你想使用它。混合动力传动系统中最令人印象深刻的是它的完全无缝的性质功能。人们不相信它,直到他们驱动它。内部是一个舒适优雅的地方与杰出的席位,难以置信的安静和架子上完成。一些评论抱怨公司骑但是我们发现它很舒适和阻尼可调Ohlins设置的“标准设置”。处理不是保时捷水平但是不仅仅是能够处理任何我们(或我建议所有业主)可能会实际使用。然而我们发现转向权重可调中设置是一个很好的平衡缓解在城里和高速公路的准确性。各种安全系统是您期望在沃尔沃飞行员协助自主驾驶时的惊人的驱动器。 The Sensus system has been easy to get used to with the only issue being the sheer breadth and depth of systems available. The Bowers and Wilkins sound system is the best I have ever heard in a car bar none. If I had a gripe it would be the fiddly key set up with only one 'master key" which is a bit clunky and harder than it should be. We think the SUV looks great and we get lots of positive comments from others about the appearance. We also kind of like that they are not common. The 5 year warranty (& we got 3 years free servicing) sweeten the price a little bit too. So my summary would be that if you can take a breath and pay close to 100 for a Volvo you might think it is actually not bad value particularly if you are looking for a longer ownership proposition. All in all we are very happy with the car so far.