我父亲最近取代了他的可靠的凯美瑞路虎发现运动。他决定把凯美瑞给我。经过6年的经历汽车客运,有一些奇怪的是满足旅客最终成为司机……凯美瑞是伟大的购物和长邮轮和家人有足够的空间为人们和货物。空调系统是优化对澳大利亚的气候。燃料消耗是理所当然的,但官方数据比现实更乐观。骑相当光滑和权力对一个家庭来说是足够的需要,但驾驶爱好者们不得不另寻他处:这是一个4缸凯美瑞毕竟!虽然这辆车足够舒适的小屋,这是最好的形容为“基本。“特别是,凯美瑞Altise低于一个领域是信息娱乐系统。而其他修剪水平的这一代凯美瑞有彩色触摸屏,Altise是剩下一笔很小的单色显示,你会发现计算器。 At least this generation of Camry has a CD player if you’re one of those people who can’t get used to newfangled smartphone Bluetooth streaming! Side, curtain and knee airbags are provided, but you won’t find modern active safety features such as AEB in this car. If you need these features, buy a car that was built more recently. Parking this car can be a bit of a chore, due to somewhat limited visibility. Higher trim levels mitigate this via the addition of a reversing camera. I was able to eventually get used to the foot mounted parking brake, but for a while, I found it inelegant. Odd design choice for what is supposed to be a completely ordinary car. This car has served the family well for 6 years without any major issues, and I’m confident it will continue to do its job just fine, whether it’s puttering through the suburbs or embarking on the next big road trip. Spend enough time in one, and you might just be tempted out of a similarly-equipped medium SUV. If you have $15k to spend on a second hand family sedan, a 2013 Camry Altise is a decent choice. Sure, this car has a reputation for being “whitegoods on wheels,” but if you can look past that stigma, you’ll find a comfortable family hauler that will serve you well. That being said, you should seriously consider stumping up the extra coin for the keyless entry, superior infotainment and dual zone climate control in the Atara S (though I personally prefer the styling of the Altise).