亲爱的3.0 r-b自由开始有点老,不实用,我需要每天(适合孩子/狗在引导,廉价运行等)。所以我不得不权衡我需要一个新的汽车,符合所有标准,不幸的是我不得不排除性能的车停在我的预算会被太老或昂贵的运行…所以XV-L手动安装所有的标准,(后期模型,实际大小作为第二汽车运行孩子上学,开车上班,偶尔一些高速公路驾驶,便宜的运行,燃料,“政府改造”,cots等运行,手动变速箱,电话连接好,安全舒适,不只是一个无聊的fwd舱口,)。所以我找到了一个合适的模型,,价格和颜色等等。跳上它,在旧的自由交易。我认为十五有很好的找一个紧凑型SUV和更加坚固。与一个良好的AWD系统和体面的离地间隙。内部功能,制作精良,所有相对容易使用,主要是质量好的材料和感觉基业常青。(没有摇铃,噪音或松散的修剪)很多人抱怨导航仪信息娱乐单位在这个模型。但是我发现它易于使用,一旦你知道函数,有效地工作,有一个像样的大小的屏幕/反向相机. .2.0 l发动机没有性能引擎,但光滑,燃油效率和手动变速箱可以保持齿轮和发动机转速时需要. . The gearing is probably a bit Tall for a small engine but does offer Low engine revs for highway driving in 6th gear. It helps make for a smooth, quiet and comfortable car for highway driving. The boot isn't huge but being a Hatch is practical to fit in kids school bags and the dog etc. So far has been reliable and cheap to run. It has ticked all the boxes that I require for what I use the car for on a daily basis. Yes I do sometimes miss the power, Short Gearing and handling of the 3.R-b Liberty. But the XV also has its own charms. It has some of that old skool Subaru Boxer 4 throb from its 2.0l engine. Is more comfortable and practical. has some all terrain capability. Certainly cheaper to run etc. A slightly bigger Boot and more power would be nice, unfortunately the New XV is not available with the manual gearbox anymore which would rule it out for me. It would probably be a bit small to be the Main Family car, but as a second car or for people with None or maybe one child would be fine..