的读者托姆最近分享了他的经验他追踪的黄色标致504。我立即被审查自己的灵感,但它不能盲从的重复他所写的一切如此准确和漂亮的车。它从另一个角度来。我公园两个轮子在砾石和快速描述照片,之前集中再次审查。1983年左右,它显示了一个年轻的我滚光504年通过Hopkirk标致汽车俱乐部motorkhana障碍滑雪赛。我们曾经开玩笑说,如果你不需要购买更换门把手事件后,你还不够努力。我504年钻在我的心灵最不同寻常的方式——这是反复出现的主要的明星梦我已经几十年了。梦想序列与决议停止梦想晚上我学到我的搭档和我将离开我们生活在墨尔本和永久回到珀斯。我被击得粉碎。在最深的那天晚上的睡眠,事情变得不可逆转。 Here's how I shared - very cryptically - in a written communication to my friends that life was on the move. Only a handful of them knew the meaning behind the words. It's deeply personal, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Here goes... "Last night represented a significant turning point in my night-time travails and reveries. Over the years, my revolving dreams have come and gone. There's always been a resolution dream of some sort that banishes the snakes on the garden lawn or which makes the lonely farmhouse in a darkened valley with its deeply haunted middle room give up its secret forever. Now, there's been another. For many years, I have taken surprised friends for a ride in the country in my old yellow Peugeot 504. I always seem to surprise myself that I still have it. But sure enough, all I have to do is swing open the barn doors to the garage, and there it is. Under its dusty coating, it's still lustrously yellow and, once rolling, its sheer mechanicalness and pillowy soft ride (real-life qualities, both) make everyone on board smile happily. In dreams, cars represent a way of travelling through life. I always assumed that the frequent appearance of my old Peugeot was trying to beckon my conscious self for a return to a simpler, less complicated time of few worries and just the one bank account. Last night, I inspected it in a grassy paddock. Or was it a shed? At once, it seemed both. A young lady with lots of paperwork motioned me toward the car. The purest, brightest of yellow paint was still there. But despite Jonathan sprawling in the passenger seat in great comfort only a short time beforehand, it had no interior. The engine was gone. It was too far gone. In tears, we both examined the paperwork that proved the car was once mine. The chassis numbers on the paperwork and the firewall were a match. The old 504 can't go back, because it now can't go anywhere. And the point of all this, I think, is that I'm beyond going back myself. I'm no longer uncomplicated. I need to hitch a ride to a different place, in something else. I've moved a long way on and the future - excitedly - holds more of the same in store".