我们拥有一个双胞胎空气500 c。以记住看起来,性能、燃油经济性、愿望,可用性和价格,这是一个完美的小型汽车。无论我们去哪里人外观和欣赏贝拉,我们命名为她。小两个气缸(2啤酒罐大小)引擎是勇敢的惊人数量的低端扭矩,甚至含有四个成年人可以保持在大多数道路状况与大多数汽车。发动机也很经济,虽然不如菲亚特也许会让你相信,但小坦克将返回一个体面的高速巡航时远程。在城市交通经济下降,但那车不?她是可爱的按钮,永恒的看起来很不想更新汽车每隔几年。她的经典瞬间,与日益增长的迷你不同,或现在应该叫做马克西吗?我们没有孩子,所以汽车是理想的两个星期对我们两个客场之旅,即使我们把我们的狗。甚至在宜家购物带来一些问题作为一个快速按下的按钮打开屋顶,甚至一个衣柜可以运送回国,尽管,不少突出的顶部。 But, we did get it home, so the weekly shop is no problem for this little car. Sure other small cars come with a heck load more electrical goodies, but in reality the only thing I would like is cruise control. Our version, with Dualogic cog box (a god send in city driving, although not the quickest shifter), leather and a chrome bonnet spur was AU$23,000 after a lot of haggling on a special order. For the day it was a bargain but not in comparison to other marques. Still we don’t get hit with depreciation because we don’t want to upgrade her. Problems. No cruise control as mentioned and the cup holders don’t hold our cups. The rear view is obscured but it doesn’t bother people who can drive, it’s just part of the charm, if you’ve any complaints try a truck. Being Italian it does suffer from the most appalling dealer service though. On a day to day it’s not a problem as we have a specialist mechanic that looks after her, not that we have had any problems other than a clutch replacement that the electronics said we needed, but was about 20,000km too early. The dealer problem was when we ordered the car. Selected pale blue, beige roof and cream interior with white highlights. Placed deposit and waited the three months we were told it would be before a car could be transported to our side of the world. That date came and went without any communication from the dealer. No car, it disappeared. Four months later the car arrived. The transportation company couldn’t find it in their yard after it had been unloaded off the ship. A week later the car was in the dealers yard being offloaded from the transporter. I rushed to see it. It was the wrong car. Pale blue, yes, but with a black roof and interior. I went ballistic got a few grand knocked off the price and a promise that a new order was being placed that day. Eighteen months after the first order was signed, Bella arrived. Still the wrong car as the wheels were wrong and the headlights were not the projector units as ordered. They swapped the wheels, but could do nothing about the lights, so got another couple of grand off and a free plug in satnav, without the optional plug-in hole that was needed to operate it. Ah the fun of the Italians. Still left the dealer never to return and headed off to our favourite Italian restaurant for lunch. Half an hour after leaving the dealer parked outside Mario’s in Fitzroy we were enjoying a glass of wine ordering pasta and watching a passerby taking a picture of Bella. Quite a regular thing these days.