歌唱一个失去的爱情…倒带2015几年的大学,在推动老殴打日产脉冲星和极小的马自达121泡沫,我终于救了一个小现金购买我想要的东西(而且更尴尬)。用我微薄的6 k美元预算有限的选项,我看着Mk4和5个高尔夫球,宝马3系,或一个马自达3……但当我跳e46我知道她是....但她是我预算(插入悲伤的音乐)。我找到了一个主人2001例,超级干净,完美的服务记录,罕见的将基于黑色皮革内部时钟和低120公里。我问他如果我能得到它机械检查,检查员说,我引用“我从来没有见过这些车之一,在这种良好的状态,这是完美的”(内部我哭了,以为没有谈判的余地)。幸运的是,卖方已经厌倦了“旷课”,需要房子的现金存款,所以他很快就打2500美元花了我的钱,流下了眼泪,因为我们分道扬镳。(边注- 6000美元感觉不错,这些车是在2001 - 75450美元MRSP近120000美元按今天的标准。的关系是爱,恨,快乐和痛苦!随着时间的推移,我让小雅致的修改,有色的窗户,18英寸的复制品M3钢圈,降低装备,苹果车玩头单元,引导唇扰流板和一些体面的橡胶(所以容易得到部分在线以及在响亮)。 BUT i also had to redo the entire cooling system, fix sagging roof liner, sump gasket...cooling system again, fix window regulators (more than once).. etc and a whole bunch of other stuff that I have repressed due to financial trauma. Although despite everything, I was never stranded on the side of the road, most of my maintenance was preventative. Over my ownership I spent more money than the car was worth but as they say "Never buy an old beemer if you cant afford to fix it". But there was a reason for that. I loved driving it. One thing I never got tired of is the poise and power of the car, no matter how much you push it around corners, it stuck to the road like glue. Brand new, she would zoom from 0-100kms per hour in the early 8 seconds (yes I know slow by todays standards), and with that on hand, it made road trips down south of WA more than just a boring drive. I was happy to zoom past a road train without any doubt in her abilities. The sound and the smoothness of a straight six engine is something to behold, coupled with a willing steptronic gearbox which LOVESSS to be redlined, i could not help but rolling down the windows and feeling the love and care i had put into her rewarded. The M52b engine has been called one of BMWs best (check google if you don't believe me), there is a certain feeling about driving a classic RWD that very few cars can give today, something I can't put in words. In my time i have driven modern cars, Kia Stinger, RS3 4 5, Golf R....yes, they are so much faster...but still...she was my first love. The End Last month, mother dearest borrowed her. A short trip to that ended with the e46 being a complete write off. The hard work, tears and joy came to an abrupt end. The e46s are slowly starting to creep up in value now, with the 330s getting rare! Zero doubt these cars are a future classic. Good by dearest Adeline (yes i name my cars).