这是一个2座兴奋机!这是一辆车的驾驶,而非其他目的。只有两个席位,跑车是为那些寻找一个有趣的骑的非常好车辆。如果你喜欢控制和拥有一个真正的驱动,这是给你的。我们有后置摄像头所以有时候容易关掉助攻和只使用相机,嗡嗡声,哔哔停车场可以烦人。凹凸不平的骑可以这么低,有一个硬悬挂但舒适模式会缓和一些。燃油经济性是惊人的:在高速公路上巡航你发誓燃料计针没有感动。在城镇经济是上帝派虽然权衡可能略有延迟起飞。我发现设置引擎经济和移动齿轮驱动模式修正,尤其是在CBD地区。客舱房间:你需要把你的个人影响的引导,因为没有很多的空间之间的席位。 It's a Roadster not a sedan, I know, but once you've put your keys and wallet in the centre console you're down to 1 cup holder only! It feels very low to the ground and if you can't open the doors fully getting in and out can be tricky. Once you're in though the car wraps around you, literally! The sides of the seats inflate(which can be adjusted to suit) and almost grip you into them which, when cornering hard, really helps to anchor you in and you almost forget the laws of physics. The heating of the seats is wonderful and the neck-scarf heating makes top-down cruising fantastic! A trip up to the Blue Mountains when it was snowing with the roof down was very comfortable until we stopped LOL! Driving gloves will be taken next time. For servicing and warranty you're pretty well set if you can wrangle your sales person. Ours came with free on-roads and CTP during a sale and included 3 years servicing and warranty which they extended to 4 on both counts. Check too for corporate service packages ;) We compared several other makes of roadsters and found that the TT S Line was the one that gave us what we wanted at the best price: Lots of driver assists and technology for safety Performance and economy at the press of a button Comfortable, fun and easy to drive And this 3rd generation just look so good! (Everyone stops and stares as you drive past them) I would've liked to have had adaptive cruise control but there is really only so much that can be squeezed under the bonnet. Is that a bad thing though? Nope. This is a car YOU want to drive! Cruise control on the highways will save you fuel and effort but I really love driving this so I'm happy to make a sacrifice in case.