C5很大改进模型,但它已经失去了“感觉”的车,更多的是一种机械计算机。是一流的。性能好,处理组成,沉重而又沮丧的事给的感觉你永远不能做错什么事。很难操纵在狭小空间的车是更广泛的比司机可以看到。自顶向下相机确实有所帮助,但图像太小了。本有一个巨大的进步在座位而C5由于额外的宽度和重新设计的席位。燃料消耗读出被减少到一个可用图将默认为零,如果车是静止的超过两个小时。C5数据更有用,会给一个瞬时阅读,和平均,可以随时重置。C5给我310000公里只有燃料泵更换在保修期内。希望A6将做同样的发动机和齿轮箱是一个美妙的组合,驯良的安静的和有效的。 However I have been warned that the gearbox does not do too well with a heavy trailer. Above all the ride and quiet is superb, so much so one can become detached from the road and if looking away only briefly loose any sense of what the car is doing. This also allows the car to run away from you. The worst feature of the car is the very poorly functioning cruise control. it will allow a variation in speed of nearly 10km, enough to cop a fine!